Nominated for the 'Communication and Innovation' award at Expocom Sul 2022
The name AntiCorpos was chosen as a reference to the theme of the photobook, which starts with the idea of isolated and vaccinated bodies and ends with the antibodies of vaccinated bodies. The project aims to contribute to the field of Communication studies by exploring textile print as a communication tool. It promotes reflection on the events and emotions provoked by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The pages of the photobook are divided into four chapters, each representing a different level of risk: red, orange, yellow, and green. However, in this project, the selection of tweets and illustrations for each chapter was not based on the incidence of new cases, as was common during the pandemic. Instead, the colors were used as a poetic resource to enrich interpretations and the narrative.
The project's proposal emerged from a desire to explore the relationship between Communication and Fashion. The integration of knowledge from these two fields can complement each other. Additionally, the use of social media as a tool for collecting information and momentary feelings has become increasingly relevant, as people express and form thoughts and feelings based on historical contexts, and public figures and news outlets propagate information.
Print designer / Illustration: Naomy Dolci
Layout designer: Naomy Dolci
Photographer: Naomy Dolci
Seamstress: Tecido de Lua
Model: Andrey Cruz
Proofreader: Tiago Lenartovicz

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